"Agreed to Differ, Resolved to Love, United to Serve."
Core Values
We are visible witnesses to God's love and draw upon the power of the Spirit.
We serve our neighbors near and far for the common good.
We enlighten ourselves to grow and share with others through engagement across cultures.
We act to empower women of all ages and to influence decision makers.
We welcome, respect and appreciate others and their God-given gifts.
We work for a fuller implementation of the Universal Declaration of Human Right
"For where two or three are gathered togther in my name,
there am I in the midst of them."
Matthew 18:20
Upcoming Events
Saturday, February 15, 2025 - 11:00 am
Event: Woman of the Year 27th Annual Awards Luncheon
Location: Anderson Conference Center
5171 Eisenhower Pkwy
Macon, GA 31206
Cost: $50/person
For online payment and registration (preferred method), please click the donate button to the right or scan in the QR code. Click below to download a physical registration form and mail-in payment.